Divorce and Other Mediation Testimonials

Divorce and Other Mediation Testimonials

Divorce Mediation

"I believe and have told friends on many occasions during my divorce process, that Barbara has saved the day. She was the BEST thing I could have hoped for to help see the 'real world' solutions to our problems. I never felt she favored my position, just worked fairly with both of us on the fair thing to do in each situation. Barbara took a horrible event in my life and turned it into something I tried for years to avoid, and made the process of divorce an ok process. Thanks Barb!"


"Through a friend's recommendation, my ex-wife and I hired Barbara as the mediator for our divorce. The decision to hire Barbara to mediate our divorce turned out to be the best decision we made throughout our divorce process! Barbara was a true professional - expertly guiding us through the divorce landscape and never taking sides. I highly recommend Barbara's services for anyone thinking about a divorce."


Divorce, Custody or Parenting Time Mediation

"I select Barbara Smith as a mediator because she has the unique ability to settle cases. She applies her extensive knowledge of the law to the practical issues presented in divorce actions. She is fair minded and listens to my clients’ concerns to resolve cases in a manner that is palatable to the participants. I highly recommend Barbara Smith as a mediator for any type of divorce, custody or parenting time dispute."

Oakland County Family Court Attorney

Family Business Mediation

"When my family was involved in a financial business dispute among ourselves we could no longer communicate at all. Faced with the prospect of ending up in a lawsuit, I decided to retain Barbara Smith to mediate the issues between my wife, my adult children and me. Thanks to Barbara's expertise in recognizing and resolving the issues, we were able to discuss the matter effectively, create an action plan and move forward successfully. She not only avoided court for us, she helped us see that we could save the business if we learned how to work with each other."
